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Welcome to the

North Norfolk u3a


North Norfolk U3A is part of a UK wide movement that brings together people who are in their “third age” to develop their interests, share knowledge and experience, and continue to learn in a friendly and informal environment. We are a co-operative self-help organisation with a membership of over 850.

We have a wide range of groups, run by our members. Click on GROUPS for details. We issue a monthly Newsletter, with plenty of ideas for things to do. We have Monthly meetings at Blakeney Village Hall as well as other events. Click on Events for details.

We are very much open and will be delighted to welcome new members. Find out more about our organisation and how to join on-line..

Members please LOG IN to see more information

Latest News

Redefining Later Living

u3a CEO, Iain Cassidy talks about the importance of activities and socialising in later life.

Next events

Monthly Quiz

07-03-2025 10:30 am -12:30 pm

QUIZ MASTER Denis Lascelles

No need to book, just turn up.

Copper’s Guide to London Squares

19-03-2025 10:30 am -12:30 pm

Speaker: Gary Powell

The cost for members, is £3:00, including refreshments. £5:00 for guests

Note: Guests are allowed for a taster session. They will be asked to join if they wish to attend multiple events.

Monthly Quiz

04-04-2025 10:30 am -12:30 pm

QUIZ MASTER Denis Lascelles

No need to book, just turn up.