Monthly Quiz
QUIZ MASTER Denis Lascelles
No need to book, just turn up.
Sheringham Little Theatre
Speaker: Debbie Thompson
The cost for members, is £3:00, including refreshments. £5:00 for guests
Note: Guests are allowed for a taster session. They will be asked to join if they wish to attend multiple events.
Monthly Quiz
QUIZ MASTER Denis Lascelles
No need to book, just turn up.
Copper’s Guide to London Squares
Speaker: Gary Powell
The cost for members, is £3:00, including refreshments. £5:00 for guests
Note: Guests are allowed for a taster session. They will be asked to join if they wish to attend multiple events.
Monthly Quiz
QUIZ MASTER Denis Lascelles
No need to book, just turn up.
History of Space X - Gateway to Mars
Speaker: Keith Jones
The cost for members, is £3:00, including refreshments. £5:00 for guests
Note: Guests are allowed for a taster session. They will be asked to join if they wish to attend multiple events.