Computer & Associated Technologies
Group meetings are held on the 1st and 3rd Mondays in the month (mornings), in Bodham Village Hall.
The group has followed the evolution of computers and their use since January 2007, encompassing tablets, mobile devices, and associated technologies as they have spread into everyday life.
Our aims remain to:
· Advance and upgrade our knowledge of IT (in its widest form).
· Share alternatives and options of doing things so that members can choose what suits them best.
At our meetings we cover technology news and developments, deals and purchases, and problem sharing and solving. A key facet of meetings is the regular sharing of individuals’ knowledge, mainly on an informal basis.
The aid of a projector and screen / TV monitor, together with internet access, ensure that discussions are both practical and interactive.
All levels of expertise welcome - just an ability to fit in and learn something new.
If you require additional information please contact us by email, ensuring your name and telephone are in the message.