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Before applying, please check that our membership area is appropriate for you by selecting the North Norfolk Map from the side menu for details of our membership area and neighbouring U3As.

To join please use the application form

Note: The log in is for members only.

If you would like to Gift Aid please click here

Why should I join?

If you are retired or semi- retired, live in North Norfolk, and you want to come together with other people

  • to share knowledge and experience,
  • to find and develop interests or activities
  • to learn new skills or more about your local area,
  • to get to know a wider circle of interesting people

then U3A may be the organisation you are looking for.

What we do together

We have a membership of over 800 and we support over 50 Groups, who are the key operating part of the U3A. There’s something for everyone in their Third Age, as you will see in the list of Groups. Click here for a list of our groups.

North Norfolk U3A offers the opportunity to pursue learning for its own sake, with enjoyment being the prime motive.

Educational qualifications are not required (though some Groups require basic proficiency in the subject) and none are awarded. The pleasure of learning is the driving force in our work, as it is for all U3A’s.

Our Core Values

What we do for ourselves is at the heart of all our activities. The learners teach and the teachers learn and there is no distinction between leaders and learners, although we respect those who take responsibility.

Don’t expect to come along and just receive services, lectures, or activities. Please do expect to contribute your own skills and life experience, interests and enthusiasms actively.

What will membership mean?

You will be able attend our monthly talks, participate in as many of our Groups as you want, go on occasional outings and visits, and attend our other special events. You will receive a monthly Newsletter coming to you by email to keep you up to date and alert you to upcoming meetings and events.

How much does it cost?

The 2024-25 annual membership fee is £10. 

If  you already belong to another U3A, our annual membership fee is reduced by the amount of the capitation fee of £3.50 payable to the Third Age Trust (because you have already paid it), so you will only pay £6.50 providing you can supply proof of your existing U3A Group Membership.

Some Groups make a small additional charge to cover the cost of venue hire, printed matter and other expenses. Some are completely free.

You can also subscribe to the "Third Age Matters" magazine that is published quarterly, for an additional £3.10 a year.

How does this U3A work?

We are part of the national U3A movement, and each U3A runs its own affairs according to its own constitution, in accordance with local members’ wishes and by their voluntary efforts. There is no age limit for membership, but activities are aimed at mature people not in full time employment who wish to share in educational, recreational, social and/or creative activities.

Our committee represents the membership in running our U3A, and aims to ensure there is a wide range of courses and activities that are intellectually stimulating, physically beneficial and/or just good fun.

Throughout each year and at the AGM every year, we welcome Members’ ideas about new Groups and activities, we will encourage and support members to lead a new Group and to volunteer for a role on the Committee. The NNU3A will thrive if all of our members undertake to help the U3A in whatever way you can, as well as benefit from our activities.

To join please use the application form

Note: The log in is for members only